Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Good Way

Weekly Message
Tom Seymour
November 10, 2013

The Good Way

Jeremiah 6: 16

Thus says the Lord:
Stand at the crossroads, and look,
and ask for the ancient paths,
where the good way lies: and walk in it,
and find rest for your souls.

Who in these “enlightened” times hasn’t faced uncertainty on any number of fronts? Each time this happens, we must make a choice. Sometimes we choose without consciously thinking about it. Other times, we grope our way through a maze of potential consequences before committing ourselves to a specific path.

Jeremiah, a prophet of the Lord, spoke to the people of Israel about impending doom, an invasion by foreign powers, brought about by Israel’s disobedience and failure to heed God’s warning. Jeremiah 6:16 was aimed collectively at the disobedient nation of Israel. And yet, in reading these lines, we can’t help but take the message as a personal one.

We might view Jeremiah 6:16 as allegorical. But we must also realize that much allegory has its basis in truth and fact. While “crossroads” here can refer to any time we find ourselves in a perplexing situation, one with several choices, crossroads in ancient times were physical places of great importance.

Travelers, arriving at a crossroads, had to decide which road to take. Bandits and highwaymen roamed the hill country and some roads were far more dangerous than others. But oftentimes, the most dangerous road was the quickest and shortest route to the next town or city. A merchant with a train of valuable goods and a delivery deadline to meet, may well stand at the crossroads and ask those with him, or perhaps others at the same crossroads, which is the best or safest route to his destination.

Likewise, we, today, frequently find ourselves at different crossroads…different, but crossroads nonetheless.

Do you stand at a crossroads right now? Are you sure you are on the right path? Just possibly, your decision might affect the rest of your life. Don’t walk through the crossroads alone. Jesus stands there, ready to point out the right way, the good way, the one that follows the ancient paths of righteousness.  Jesus says in John 14: 6, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.”

We all have Jesus to turn to when the path becomes dim and we don’t know which way to turn. Call upon him. He will answer.

Next week, I’ll continue this study on Jeremiah 6:16. But until then, try and see where, in your life right now, the path you have chosen might lead you. The answer may come as a surprise.

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