Weekly Message
Tom Seymour
January 2, 2014
Giving Thanks To God
Luke 17:18
My last Sunday’s message didn’t make it because my house was
without power for four days. By the time power returned, it was too late to
post a message. And so I began thinking about a topic for this week’s message
and the answer came in a totally unexpected form.
One of owners of the convenience store where I regularly
trade dropped a letter into my bag, telling me it was a message from them to
me. I got home, put away my groceries and then read the message. Here is a
paragraph from the message:
“Often in today’s busy world we seem to have less and less
opportunity to perform the simple, decent and very important task of letting
you know that we appreciate your business. Although it isn’t the same as being
face-to-face with each other, we wanted to sincerely thank you.”
The message was signed by the two owners and their family.
This message, with some simple changes, could very well serve
as a message from us to God.
“But that’s silly, sending a message to God. God knows
everything anyway,” some might say. And certainly, God does know everything.
But he still likes for us to thank him. Consider the words Jesus’ spoke after
healing 10 lepers. After Jesus healed them and they went away, only one of the
men, a Samaritan (a foreigner in the land), turned back to thank Jesus. The
Samaritan prostrated himself at Jesus’ feet, thanking Jesus and praising God.
Jesus said, “Were not ten made clean? But the other nine, where are they?”
Then Jesus said to the Samaritan, “Get up and go on your way;
your faith has made you well.”
Perhaps God hasn’t cleansed us from leprosy, but surely he
has done countless wonderful things for us during the course of our lifetime.
And when He acts in our life, do we always thank Him?
How about when we pray for something, even a small thing, do
we thank God when he hears and answers our prayers? Or are we so happy with the
good result that we forget to give thanks to the Lord?
God tells us to pray to him in every instance, even in the
small things. And so we do. We pray for safety, for relief from adversity, for our
cars to start on a cold morning, for Him to keep our water pipes safe and
unfrozen during a sub-zero night. And when our prayers are answered, do we stop
and give thanks?
It’s so, so easy to just accept answers to prayer and then
move on, make our way down the road as the nine lepers did, without stopping to
thank the one who made our happy situation possible. So today, when you ask God
for some small blessing, be sure to take time and thank him. Don’t be like the
nine ungrateful lepers. Instead, be like the one leper, the Samaritan, who
turned back and worshiped God, thanking Him for his wonderful gift of healing.
Maybe something like the letter the store owners gave me,
written on our hearts and sent gratefully to God, may be in order.
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